all so sometimes called botas, these loose fitting leather leggins, go over the top of the boots or shoes. It's a way to protect the lower leg from brush when riding thru rough country. all so woren for just for fashion:D
This pair of covers are extra large. They are fitting over the very old plastic style boots that older figures used to wear. This way you can reuse your old out dated plastic boots!
made from oiled leather and have pull thru straps and fancy conchos
I made only 1 pair, but if you have older boots you want to over, I can make them custom for you.
figure not included
This pair of covers are extra large. They are fitting over the very old plastic style boots that older figures used to wear. This way you can reuse your old out dated plastic boots!
made from oiled leather and have pull thru straps and fancy conchos
I made only 1 pair, but if you have older boots you want to over, I can make them custom for you.
figure not included
Product Code: nEuVte3
Product Condition: New

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